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Sensational Eater
Welcome - Where to find everything
What you get inside the Sensational Eater™ programme (8:47)
🪴 G.R.O.W 🌸 P.E.O.N.I.E.S
Book weekly 40 or 20min/1:1s with Laura - the Calendly link
Use your 20mins as Marco Polo video messaging
Print your first planner - and use it
Prefer digital planning?: Use your ipad and a stylus to write your plan
Weekly workshops calendar and themes
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🥑🥑🥑 Sensational Eater weekly newsletter 👀
QUICKSTART (Start here!) - learn the basics of the Sensational Eater method
Quickstart: The Sensational Eater method (10:19)
Quickstart: Making a plan (17:30)
Quickstart: Eating to satisfy hunger (8:56)
Quickstart: Evaluating wins (6:55)
Quickstart: Evaluating overeats (7:13)
Quickstart: Speed Journaling (13:10)
Your Quickstart Planner
Quickstart: Binge eating? Plan your recovery journey
🧠 Hypnosis: Create a positive, safe place in your mind (15:19)
Workshop: How to know it's working (32:42)
Month 1: Groundwork
What to work on in Month 1
🪴'G.R.O.W.' MODULE 1: 'G' is for GROUNDWORK
INTRO TO THIS MODULE: The 4 elements of Groundwork (16:47)
🚶♀️Don't exercise to get thin (but DO exercise!) (20:35)
🚶🏿♀️Workshop: Design your new feelgood movement microhabit (31:41)
🚶♀️Two ways to get unstuck from the couch (and this week's challenge) (16:12)
🚶🏿♀️1-week challenge (resources) : Stretch for 1 minute every day while the kettle boils
🚶🏿♀️ Visualisation (10mins): I move, and it feels good (8:32)
🔮 For you to return to this theme: There's a Feelgood Movement bonus course
ELEMENT 2. 🛌🏾 SLEEP (11:00)
🛌🏾 The science of sleep and your eating, appetite and weight (18:17)
🛌🏾 Sleep – Night eating and staying-up-late eating (10:11)
🛌🏾 Worksheet: Night eating
🛌🏾 Workshop & Worksheet: Sleep – Why don't I get more? (32:21)
🛌🏾 Resource: Get More Sleep checklist
Self-hypnosis: Go to sleep with self-love thoughts (34:43)
ELEMENT 3. 💦 WATER (11:45)
💦 Water - The sciency bit (10:18)
💦 Peeing, pelvic floor, bladder, and busy work schedules (6:53)
💦 Workshop: Visualising water in the body and your daily water drinking microhabit (24:26)
4. 🧘🏽♀️ELEMENT 4: SPACE (22:01)
Workshop (and worksheet): Making space to work on your eating? (62:58)
Month 2: Restriction vs Responsibility
Month 2: Restriction vs Responsibility
INTRO: RESTRICTION VS RESPONSIBILITY (and Binge diminishing) (26:02)
Should and shouldn't: Restraint and pressure (32:13)
Worksheet and workshop: Restrictive thinking and 'hard talk' (36:20)
Decision not Restriction: Saying 'no' to food when you're not hungry - Advanced training on avoiding restriction mentality (28:41)
50 ways to say No to food, without aggravating your inner rebel (46:09)
Workshop: "I can" and my perceived ability to cope (34:09)
Binge diminishing (36:42)
Workshop: How to look back on a binge or overeat and see your tiny decisions (32:15)
Workshop: Previously 'off-limits' foods and surfacing their stories (38:56)
Month 3: Overcoming Obsession and 'Addiction'
What to study this month
Normalisation Month challenge: 30-days of daily short vids, to your email box
Sugar - Want to take a 30-day sugar break with me?
INTRO to obsession: What are the causes of overdesire? (30:16)
Workshop 1: Mindful eating of a previously 'off-limits' food (32:35)
Workshop 2: Mindful eating of an 'off limits' food (78:48)
Sugar crashes & insulin: hormone-driven overdesire (44:11)
Workshop 3: Eating your F It Food, and stopping a couple of bites in (30:38)
Is sugar physically addictive? (14:49)
Social pressure to eat sugar (11:59)
Addiction thinking (9:10)
Workshop 4: What comes when you stop eating? (40:22)
Month 4: Weight, Worth & Self-Worth
What to study this month
INTRO: Worthiness, work and weight (19:17)
SELF-WORTH (17:29)
WEIGHT: Losing the stigma of weight, binge eating & overeating (45:09)
Workshop 1: Your current body image and current self-esteem (33:25)
Workshop 2: The drama in your head about getting on the scale (31:18)
Workshop 3: 'Fat is just stored energy" (31:57)
Workshop 4: Introducing self-hypnosis (37:30)
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 1: Every day, in every little way, I'm getting better and better
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 2: I'm getting better at creating a positive conversation in my head
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 3: I'm feeling better about my body
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 4: I'm feeling better about work
WORK: Assess your workplace stress
Workshop & meditation on self-love: Make a decision to start saying loving things to yourself (32:55)
🌸 PEONIES - your lifelong steady eating & weight management skillset
🌸 P.E.O.N.I.E.S
Workshop: How to prepare so that you make the most of a 20-minute 1:1 session (34:15)
It's time to find a planning style for life
P.E.O.N.I.E.S unit 1: 'P' for PREPPING YOUR HEAD (PLANNING) - making your decisions ahead of time
Have you sussed your planning style yet?
P: My relationship to planning (23:32)
P: Why we plan (no, it's not just the food) (34:12)
P: The evidence base for planning
P: Troubleshooting planning (45:56)
Planning for restaurants, holidays, convalescence etc. (73:45)
🧠 Intro to this month's self-hypnosis technique
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 1: I feel good about planning
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 2: Turning your plans into reality
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 3: I am reliable at following my plans
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 4: I can plan for every occasion
Workshop: Planning Sensationally (29:09)
Workshop: Are you a Restrictor or a Permittor? Different planning styles (36:19)
Workshop: Alternative planning - prep your thoughts, not the food (45:53)
Planning checklist: Earn your skills badges
P.E.O.N.I.E.S unit 2: 'E' for EMBODIED EATING - sensing into hunger and satisfaction
Hunger scale, evaluation, and keeping track of your data (65:51)
Activity - create your own nuanced hunger scale
The hunger and fullness scale up close
🧠 Introducing this month's self-hypnosis technique (Autogenic Training) (32:13)
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 1: I notice hunger, and other urges to eat
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 2: I can do a little hunger, I'm safe
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 3: I notice 'Satisfied'
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 4: I can stop at Enough
'This or That' find your hunger & satisfaction challenge
Workshop: How to fit coaching & 1:1 into your busy life (42:58)
Workshop: When hunger clashes with your work schedule (29:46)
P.E.O.N.I.E.S unit 3: 'O' for OPENING to emotion & ending emotional eating
What are emotions? (47:45)
The most common emotions we try to manipulate with food (86:50)
Anxiety - exploring how this emotion impacts our eating (65:02)
Why we avoid emotions - notebook exercise
🧠 Intro to this month's self-hypnosis technique
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 1: I'm available for all my emotions
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 2: I can use thoughts to manage my emotions
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 3: Urges are easy, and I'm up for them
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 4: I can do urges
🧠 Hypnosis: The view from above (put your worries into perspective) (June 2021 hypnosis session)
🧠Hypnosis: I can be with uncertainty
🧠 Hypnosis: Imagine coping instead of eating emotionally (65:52)
Workshop: Using the urge jar (30:09)
Workshop: Feeling your 'darker' emotions (25:01)
Workshop: Changing your desire (for food) (43:11)
P.E.O.N.I.E.S unit 4: 'N' for NOTING and NOTICING your thoughts
N- Note your thoughts (basic TEA training) (15:28)
N – Use TEA on your overeats (3:49)
N- Note your thoughts (advanced training) (21:20)
🧠 Meditation: Leaves on a stream - practise letting go of thoughts rather than fighting them (27:07)
The easiest journaling process in the world to understand non-conscious thoughts
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 1: I am not my thoughts
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 2: Positive self-talk & thoughts to learn
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 3: Handling negative thoughts
🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 4: Thoughts to help with binges
P.E.O.N.I.E.S unit 5: IMAGINING the best - your rehearsal of new thoughts and Future You
I – Imagination is the key to human growth (6:25)
I – Seven ways you already use your imagination without realising it (17:10)
I – Three ways you need to actively use your imagination (13:37)
I – The truth about hypnosis (25:42)
🧠Hypnosis - Breaking through the 'shoulds' and 'have-tos'
Workshop: Using imagination to create gratitude & self-appreciation (37:45)
Workshop: Using your imagination to create feelings of self-worth (29:45)
P.E.O.N.I.E.S unit 6: EVALUATING your progress
E – Evaluating IS the essence of self-coaching (15:21)
E – What on Earth is RESISTANCE? (or "Help! I stopped planning!) (29:51)
E – Regains are human, don't freak out! (10:50)
E – After a binge: emotional first aid (8:21)
Understanding binges after they have happened + worksheets
Monthly skills assessment
Daily evaluation worksheet
Understanding an Overeat Worksheet
Workshop: Encouragement (35:12)
Workshop: Evaluation as problem-solving (44:05)
Workshop: Growth & Fixed mindset (30:26)
P.E.O.N.I.E.S unit 7: SETTING goals and directing your mind to change your habits and behaviours
S – Find out what kind of goal-setter YOU are (15:28)
S – Self & Success: It's time to create a version of success that's your own (13:14)
21 micro habits for lifelong weight loss & management, and to end overeating (57:38)
Doing a habits audit, and picking a habit to work on this month (101:26)
Workshop: Setting your goals by defining Who You Want to Be (31:17)
Workshop: Overcoming the fear of setting goals (29:49)
Workshop + Worksheet: Course-correcting & having a compelling WHY (30:23)
End of year reflection (27:39)
Download your Winter Workbook
Workshop: Planning for the Holidays (32:24)
Yearly plan: Write a letter for yourself next Xmas, AND Evaluating last year, looking to the next (58:52)
Make a Code of Conduct plan for buffets
Make a Code of Conduct plan for Holiday, Christmas, Thanksgiving
Workshop: Finding your way around the Winter Workbook (33:36)
Workshop & meditation: Letting go of last year, loving yourself into the next (30:28)
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🧠 Self-hypnosis Week 4: I can do urges
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