Your Quickstart Planner

When you're getting started, use this Quickstart planner, which contains:

  • A habit tracker to start getting data on your Groundwork.
  • A daily sheet for planning and positive evaluation.
  • Journal sheets to get you started exploring your thoughts and feelings that lead to overeats.

Just get started on making daily 24-hour plans and evaluating how it went.

What to do if you have resistance to planning:

If you find planning the food isn't working for you, talk to Laura – as we progress in Sensational Eater we're going to use a more advancd planner tailored to YOU which involves more planning of THOUGHTS and HOW you'll eat, and less emphasis on the food itself. I can give you a Taster Planner now if you need it – just ask!

When you don't know what to write in your journal:

Use a simple prompt, day after day, like:

  • How do I feel about my weight/body today? Why?
  • How do I feel about being me today? Why?
  • How do I feel about my work today? Why?
  • How is my journey with food going? Why?
  • How do I feel today? Why?

Quick Planner - 1 month greyscale.pdf
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