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OVEREATING Understood (SENSATIONAL Eater) 2024
Module 0 – Getting Ready for Change
Hello! – Here's how books, course & coaching fit together (13:26)
How to approach studying this programme
What's this Planner? When am I supposed to use it? (14:48)
Your planner [downloadable pdf]
📖 Module 0 textbook - digital download
[Module 0] Welcome - Where to find everything
Book 1:1s with Laura - the Calendly links
Use Marco Polo video messaging (especially in April, August and December)
Make sure you have enabled emails from me via Teachable
Did you know you can access this course via a phone app?
Community space
Group call times Autumn 2024
Annotating digital versions (textbook/planner) on an iPad
[Bonus #1] Are you bingeing right now?
Start here if you have binges – Your Binge Diminishing mini-masterclass
[Module 0] What are Self-talk and Hypnosis?
Imagination is the key to human growth (6:25)
Seven ways you already use your imagination without realising it (17:10)
Ways you need to actively use your imagination (13:37)
The truth about hypnosis (25:42)
🧠Module 0 Core Hypnosis recording: Believing it's possible for you
Congrats – you're ready to complete Module 0
🌀 Now book your 60-minute 1:1 hypnosis session
Module 1: The Situation
📖 Textbook for Module 1 [digital download]
The situation in our heads: Mixed messages (8:34)
WEIGHT: Losing the stigma of weight, binge eating & overeating (45:09)
SUCCESS: It's time to create a version of success that's your own (13:14)
HEALTH: Keeping it on the side of Wellbeing (15:48)
EXERCISE illustrated ebook: 5 myths that stop you exercising
BODY IMAGE: Why we self-criticise (25:58)
SUGAR: Social pressure and physical addiction (26:49)
SELF-WORTH (17:29)
🧠Module 1 Core Hypnosis Recording: Stepping Away From What You've Always Believed
🌀 Hypnosis Menu Module 1: Now ask for your personal 1:1 hypnosis session
Participant feedback #1
Please complete this survey to win a beautiful teatowel
Module 2: Thoughts
📖 Textbook for Module 2: Thoughts [digital download]
Note your thoughts (basic TEA training) (15:28)
Use TEA on your overeats (3:49)
Restriction vs Responsibility (and Binge diminishing) (26:02)
Should and shouldn't: Restraint and pressure (32:13)
50 ways to say No to food, without aggravating your inner rebel (46:09)
Addiction thinking (9:10)
Body image: Thoughts to outfox a 'Fat and Ugly' self-attack (20:32)
🧠Core hypnosis 1: I am not my thoughts (20mins)
🧠Core hypnosis 2: Positive self-talk & thoughts to learn (20mins)
🧠Core hypnosis 3: Handling negative thoughts (20mins)
🧠Core hypnosis 4: Thoughts to help with binges (20mins)
🌀 Now ask for your 1:1 hypnosis session for Module 2
Module 3: Emotions
📖 Textbook for Module 3: Emotions [digital download]
What are emotions? The CBT perspective (8:17)
Emotional eating isn't always dramatic! (5:40)
What is emotional eating? (2:57)
The most common feelings we emotionally eat over (7:10)
How to feel a feeling (16:50)
How to meet our own emotional needs with kind self-talk (17:26)
Why can't I feel my feelings very well? (12:20)
How to surf an urge (9:59)
🧠Core hypnosis: Intro to this module's self-hypnosis technique
🧠Core hypnosis Emotions 1: I'm available for all my emotions (20mins)
🧠Core hypnosis Emotions 2: I can use thoughts to manage my emotions (20mins)
🧠Core hypnosis Emotions 3: Urges are easy, and I'm up for them (20mins)
🧠Core hypnosis Emotions 4: I can do urges (20mins)
🌀 Now ask for your 1:1 hypnosis session on Emotions
[Bonus #2: Your Planner] Quickstart on actions: The method
Quickstart: Making a plan (17:30)
Quickstart: Eating to satisfy hunger (8:56)
Quickstart: Evaluating wins (6:55)
Quickstart: Evaluating overeats (7:13)
Quickstart: Speed Journaling (13:10)
Prefer digital planning?: Use your ipad and a stylus to write your plan
🧠Bonus Planning Hypnosis 1: I feel good about planning (20mins)
🧠Bonus Planning Hypnosis 2: Turning your plans into reality (20mins)
Module 4: Actions
Module 4 textbook: ACTIONS [downloadable pdf]
It's time to create your lifelong system (15:07)
A guide to your planner
📖 Your Planner [downloadable pdf]
Put GROUNDWORK into place (80:31)
💠Visualisation (10mins): I move, and it feels good (8:32)
🤓 Nerds' corner: The evidence base for planning
PICK AN APPROACH to sugar and junk food (56:59)
BONUS MASTERCLASS: 21 microhabits to make weight loss stick (57:38)
🧠Core Hypnosis Actions 1: I notice hunger, and other urges to eat (20mins)
🧠Core Hypnosis Actions 2: I can do a little hunger, I'm safe (20mins)
🧠Core Hypnosis Actions 3: I notice 'Satisfied' (20mins)
🧠Core Hypnosis Actions 4: I can stop at 'Enough' (20mins)
🌀 Now ask for your 1:1 hypnosis session for Module 4
Module 5: Material outcomes
Module 5 Textbook: Material Outcomes/Manifestations [digital download]
The 'BEING' part of Wellbeing (9:27)
Evaluating IS the essence of self-coaching (15:21)
Planning for restaurants, holidays, convalescence etc. (73:45)
What on Earth is RESISTANCE? (or "Help! I stopped planning!) (29:51)
Find out what kind of goal-setter YOU are (15:28)
WORK: Assess your workplace stress
Regains are human, don't freak out! (10:50)
🧠Manifestation Daily Hypnosis Week 1: Every day, in every little way, I'm getting better and better
🧠Manifestation Daily Hypnosis Week 2 : I'm getting better at creating a positive conversation in my head
🧠Manifestation Daily Hypnosis Week 3: I'm feeling better about my body
🧠Manifestation Daily Hypnosis Week 4: I'm feeling better about work
🌀 Now ask for your 1:1 hypnosis session for Module 5
Participant feedback - win a bonus month of Laura's support
Please complete this survey to win 1 month extra of Marco Polo support
[Bonus #2] Holiday survival guide
Why are holiday times so crucial? (10:37)
Follow this structure [printable checklist] (9:53)
📖 Holiday workbook (for Easter, Summer, Xmas) [17 pages, printable]
🎧 Using Mindfulness while you're on holiday as a self-hypnosis technique
🧠Holiday Core Hypnosis: I can plan for every occasion (20mins)
Group call recordings
Mon 4 Nov 2024 Module 3: Emotions (61:29)
Mon 18 Nov 2024 Module 4: Actions (53:12)
Teach online with
🧠Core hypnosis: Intro to this module's self-hypnosis technique
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